MobileGoogle AdMob Challenges & Rewards

Google AdMob Challenges & Rewards

Google’s most recent numbers show that CPC costs are decreasing, and, at the same time, ROI is growing for online marketers via that particular channel. Where are the cheapest clicks? They’re in AdMob, and they’re ripe for the picking.

admob-logoGoogle’s most recent numbers show that CPC costs are decreasing, and, at the same time, ROI is growing for online marketers via that particular channel.

Where are the cheapest clicks? They’re in AdMob, and they’re ripe for the picking.

The integration of AdMob into AdWords in early June heralded a new era for mobile advertising via Google. Previous to that, targeting options were so limited that there were very few marketers willing, or even able, to attempt marketing through AdMob. Now that targeting options have expanded to include many of the options that are available to marketers in any other area of AdWords, there is a lot more incentive to launch ads in this space.

Because this is still a new channel where the waters are really just being tested, there is a lot of room for marketers who are willing to wade in. With fewer marketers in the space comes less competition at auction time, and this translates to cheaper clicks.

The question is, “is it worth it to spend any money on these clicks, despite the potentially low price?” The answer that we’re seeing, so far, is “yes,” but as with all aspects of online marketing, there are some caveats included with this answer that must be addressed to ensure success.

Performance is Key

With performance marketing, it’s paramount that one optimize for profitability. There isn’t one marketer who cares that clicks are cheap if the end result is that there are no conversions.

At this point in our foray into AdMob advertising, our clients are generating between 20-30 percent of their total conversions on AdWords via mobile ads. This should be enough for anyone to sit up and pay attention to the possibilities.

You Don’t Need to be Mobile for Mobile Success

One thing that marketers need to be aware of is that you don’t necessarily need a mobile site in order to be successful in the mobile space. You can achieve greater success when linking to your regular website, as opposed to landing pages created specifically for mobile.

This could be due to the fact that, with devices that display larger screen sizes these days, people are able to – and want to – have the full experience. It could also be due to the fact that mobile sites tend to be extremely stripped down, and still aren’t something that visitors are used to seeing.

It’s impossible to know for sure, but the fact that it is something that happens should encourage marketers to A/B test with both mobile and regular web landing pages to find which one garners the greatest success.

The AdMob Challenge

The parallels to the Google Display Network are quite strong. The real difference here is that, instead of targeting certain sites, AdMob lets you target apps in specific categories. Like any other online marketing channel, ascertaining your target audience, and then testing to find the category that best suits your needs, is going to be the only way to be successful.

Our clients are already seeing some success, and the one thing that we are certain of at this point is that optimizing in this space is much more difficult than it is with display or traditional search. We are definitely at the beginning of the AdMob era. Marketers who are able to ascertain the intricacies of optimizing the system from the beginning will be able to lead mobile advertising success into the future.


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