LocalMapStats Wins MS Virtual Earth Contest

MapStats Wins MS Virtual Earth Contest

I was just was reading the Via Virtual Earth site and noticed that a winner has been announced
in Microsoft’s Virtual Earth Competition for developers to show their creativity/coding skills and win prizes including some cash.

And the winner is…
What does MapStats do?

The MSN VE site describes the winner this way:

MapStats is a counter which visualizes the visitors of a website. The red squares indicate where visitors came from. The less opaque they are, the less visitors came from that location.

From the MapStats site:

MapStats, the first website statistics analyzer which visualizes the visitors of your website on a world map, using Microsoft VirtualEarth. With MapStats it only takes a single second to see where your visitors are coming from. For a webmaster, this is very valuable information. MapStats obviously keeps track of the location of your visitors, but there’s more! We also provide statistics regarding to referrals, the browsers of your visitors, pageviews, language, and much more.

OK, so where do I get a copy of MapStats to demo? You can check out a beta/demo here. Webmasters who are interested in testing are asked to send along their name and address.

Two other Virtual Earth based mapping sites got an honorable mention on the VE site:

+ CREmaps
Real Estate listings plus maps.

+ ZoomtoHotels
Nice combo of VE with hotel listings. Hotel data provided by Hotels.com ZoomtoHotels did not work with Firefox when I tested.

Postscript: Nacho points out that Urchin has offered a geo tool for some time. Until we can see what MapStats offers and those of you who use this type of technology (I don’t) can get in there and bang on it, we can then understand one service vs. the other. Btw, A closer read of the text on the MapStats site might indicate that this is the first service of this type to incorporate MSN Virtual Earth technology.

Want to discuss? Visit this thread in the SEW Forums and share your thoughts.


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