VideoYouTube Channel Hackers Post Porn on Sesame Street

YouTube Channel Hackers Post Porn on Sesame Street

In another example of the dangers posed by the online world, the YouTube channel of kids TV show Sesame Street was hacked at the weekend and videos of muppets replaced by hardcore porn. The videos were up for 20 minutes before being suspended.

sesame-street-web-siteIn another example of the dangers posed by the online world, the YouTube channel of kids TV show Sesame Street was hacked at the weekend and videos of muppets replaced by hardcore porn.

Sneak (blogger’s nom de plume) is not sure whether the porn videos in question had a Sesame Street theme, although they do add a rather sinister edge to the show’s theme tune and its immortal lyrics: “Come and play, everything’s A OK. Friendly neighbours there that’s where we meet…Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street.”

The videos were available to view for some 20 minutes or so before YouTube suspended the channel for violating its guidelines.

Although credit must go to the YouTube team for acting so quickly, this represents another cautionary tale for content owners to make sure their password security is water-tight.

The destroyers of childhood innocence, or hackers, left a message on the Sesame Street YouTube channel profile arguing, “Who doesn’t love porn kids?”.

They urged this invisible army of porn hungry six-year-olds not to “let Sesame Street get this account back”, arguing that they would “make all the America happy!”.

Well, either happy or very, very disappointed.

As for the hackers, where next? Maybe they could expand their horizons to other kids TV channels. He-Man was half way there anyway. What do you think kids?

This article was originally published on V3.


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