VideoBrands Account for 40% of Top 1,000 Most Shared Instagram Videos

Brands Account for 40% of Top 1,000 Most Shared Instagram Videos

New data from Unruly shows that 40 percent of the thousands most shared Instagram videos last month came from brands. MTV had the most shared Instagram Video, alongside the NBA, Peanuts and GoPro.


According to new data released today by Unruly, 40 percent of the 1,000 most shared Instagram videos last month came from brands. More than 80 different brands – including Samsung, Nike, BMW, Disney, General Electric and Red Bull – are featured on the Unruly Viral Video Chart’s top 1,000 Instagram videos.

With 26,962 shares, Peanuts Snoopygram was the most shared branded video on Instagram.

It was followed by EA Sports FIFA 14 real-time spot, with 16,499 shares.

A promo for HBO’s popular TV show Girls ranked third, with 15,376 shares.

Other key findings from Unruly’s data include:

  • The most shared brand on Instagram Video was MTV, with 84 videos in the top 1,000, attracting a total of 134,110 shares altogether across Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere. Other brands to appear in the top 5 were the NBA, Peanuts and GoPro;
  • The most popular verticals in the top 1,000 were Entertainment and Clothing & Apparel;
  • The total number of unique Instagram videos shared on Twitter was 176,016 which is equivalent to 10% of the unique YouTube videos shared on Twitter during the same period (1,871,530);
  • 9 out of 10 Instagram video shares occurred on Facebook;
  • 14 of the top 20 most shared user-generated Instagram videos came from Justin Bieber, with his top three videos generating a total of 522,029 shares.

Interest in short-form video content has grown significantly in 2013 following the launch of Vine in January and video for Instagram in June. Instagram now boasts 150 million active users, while six-second sensation Vine has gone from zero to 40 million registered users in just over 9 months.

Unruly’s US President Richard Kosinski said, “New short-form content platforms such as Vine and Instagram are experiencing explosive growth. By engaging consumers in their native environments across today’s complex and fragmented media landscape, and utilizing the Open Web to amplify awareness of their content, brands can maximize the effectiveness of their content marketing strategies to drive sharing and ultimately increase their market share.”

He added, “It’s remarkable that within just five months of launch, Instagram videos now account for almost 10 percent as many tweets as YouTube videos do. Smart marketers are no longer measuring success based on a YouTube view count and advertisers understand that it’s people first, platform second.”

Brands and agencies looking to make the most of this surge in activity around short-form video content now have the chance to amplify, optimize and analyze the success of their campaigns across the social web using Unruly’s end-to-end social video product set for Instagram, which was also launched today.

This means advertisers will now be able to evaluate Instagram videos for shareability and effectiveness using Unruly’s ShareRank algorithm. They’ll also be able to distribute Instagram videos to a global audience of one billion users across the Open Web and benchmark the social footprint of their Instagram videos against their competitive set.

Unruly’s new product set for Instagram means brands and agencies can now:

  • Evaluate Instagram videos– Advertisers can use Unruly ShareRank to test the ‘shareability’ of their Instagrams pre and post launch;
  • Distribute Instagram videos– Unruly has launched an Instagram app and an Instagram Social Video Player so that advertisers can now distribute their Instagram videos across the Open Web to Unruly’s audience of 1 billion global unique users;
  • Optimize Instagram videos– Brands can optimize their Instagram video campaign performance by using Unruly’s Dynamic Creative Optimization technology to automatically display the best-performing Instagram by campaign KPI;
  • Measure Instagram videos– Brands can track the social success of their Instagram creatives and compare it to other Instagram and video creatives in seconds using Unruly Analytics.

Matt Cooke, co-founder and CTO at Unruly, said, “Short-form content has evolved rapidly as more and more people are creating and sharing content on their mobile devices. With mobile engagement rocketing by 265.7 percent over the past 12 months, brands have been quick to establish themselves on Vine and Instagram. Some brands are already taking highly shareable content created on these platforms and distributing it to wherever their target audience is discovering and enjoying content.”

He added, “Our social video player drives exceptional engagement and sharing levels to drive earned media outside on a brand’s owned channels across desktop, mobile and tablet devices and I’m pleased that brands can now partner with Unruly to turbo-charge the success of their Instagram videos.”

You can read more about Unruly’s Instagram product set here.


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