Industry“Define An English Person” C-Word Easter Egg or Google F-Bomb?

"Define An English Person" C-Word Easter Egg or Google F-Bomb?

Go to Google. Type in "define an English person". Belly laugh.

A friend popped on Skype this morning and told me to type “define an English person” into Google.

Um, okaaay.

In the 0.32 seconds it took for Google to deliver the results, a dozen possibilities flashed through my mind as to what possible definition of an English person could be… but none so eloquent or concise:

C-Word Dropped as Google F-Bomb

Whilst it seems like a funny easter egg, it’s actually a case of “bad ranking“, presumably caused by a bunch of Google Bombers.

Please note that no English people were harmed in the making of this Google Bomb. But a lot of English people must have linked to that Wikipedia page with the phrase “define an english person”. One can only conclude that the Google bombers must be English, cos it takes one to know one right?


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