AnalyticsGoogle Adds Multiple AdWords Account Linking in Analytics

Google Adds Multiple AdWords Account Linking in Analytics

Linking a single AdWords account to a single Google Analytics account is a thing of the past. Google now lets you link multiple AdWords accounts to your Google Analytics account. This article will walk you through how to set up the new feature.

Linking a single AdWords account to a single Google Analytics account is a thing of the past. Google now lets you link multiple AdWords accounts to your Google Analytics account. This article will walk you through how to set up the new feature.

The v5 AdWords Additions

Version 5 of Analytics adds numerous additional features and an updated JavaScript code for webmasters. Currently in the testing phases, version 5 is being regularly supplemented and refined. The most recent addition is the option to link multiple AdWords accounts.

The option to link multiple accounts supersedes the previous link settings; it disables select features, including automatically synchronizing the time zone, while adding the in-demand options for multiple AdWords accounts. Additionally, the import and export options have been expanded to allow users to add their AdWords data to multiple Analytics accounts.

As with single account linking, the primary benefit comes from improved data on the effectiveness of advertisements.

Connecting Multiple Accounts


If you’re ready get going, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log into Google Analytics.
  2. If you haven’t already, switch to version 5 by pushing “New Version” in the top-right corner.
  3. Set version 5 as your default by clicking “Make this version default,” also in the top-right.
  4. Log into Google AdWords.
  5. Navigate to the “Reporting and Tools” tab.
  6. Click the gear icon in the top-right.
  7. Choose “all accounts.”
  8. Navigate to Data Sources > AdWords > Link Accounts.

Repeat this process as necessary for any additional accounts.

For those interested in the other features offered by version 5, Google has posted a blog series discussing the additions. Of course, you can always play around with the new system for yourself by choosing the “new version” option in the top-right of Google Analytics.


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